Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
You want a honest opinion, get rid of the stock nav system buy a nice aftermarket head unit, buy the dash kit for it and be done. This ya you have one of the best navs from garmin built right into it.
as much i am all for aftermarket stuff, if it is for better sound i am going for, then yes, I say replace it because the sound system on the Factory Bose isn't really worth the money.
But I have to admit that there's are no aftermarket head unit solution that will look as nice as the stock one. The ergonomics, where it sits, the way it ties in with the rest of the car (climate control, etc.) Most of all, now you gotta worry about people breaking in your car trying to steal your headunit, unnecessary attention that will cause people breaking in your car. No thanks. I personally can live with the sound system and I think it's worth my money to buy the factory NAV over any aftermarket headunits - I just can't stand having the headunit as low as my shifter. Plus I really hate those 3 tacky climate control dials - it totally makes the car look cheap.
I think Hugoneus's just looking someone out there that can provide a solution to either upgrade the firmware or some type of solution that can mod the stock unit to become better. For the people who didn't want to pay the price of the Factory NAV because they don't think it's worth it, GOOD FOR YOU!

But I think for the people that went with the Factory NAV, whether if it's a Nissan 370z or like my friends who have Infiniti (which is the same NAV firmware), they have every right to B*TCH about the factory NAV because they're not trying to look for an aftermarket solution. Not to mention, paid darn good premium for it. The ridiculous wait time is just not ACCEPTABLE. If anyone were to put themselves in that perspective, would you be okay with that? Or would you find an aftermarket solution for it?
Anyways, I think the point of this thread is not to say Factory Nav is better or Vice-versa. Hugoneus is looking for someone who can improve the Factory NAV. At this time, I don't think there's a solution yet, but I hope in time people will spend the time to write some awesome firmwares for it (highly doubt it).