Found this on the Gateway Z Forum. Anybody interested???
Subject Date End Date Author
Cars & Coffee 15 May 2010 8:45 15 May 2010 tik1
WHEN: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 8:45 am – 10:30 am
WHERE: Starbucks, 9616 Manchester, Rock Hill Plaza, Intersection of Manchester and McKnight, St.Louis
For MORE INFO, call or email ML Hillard, 630 – 272- 1792
Many of us have busy Saturdays….the family, house and errands. BUT then, there ARE our cars…and the need to get out, spend some time with others over just coffee and chat.
CARS & COFFEE is just that. Everyone gathering early Saturdays, at a central location, get or bring a coffee and just enjoy cars.…just a good reason to get out, have coffee and drive when traffic is a LOT less.
It starts early, and ends early so everyone back home is happy that you are not off killing the whole day.
THE IMPORTANT THING IS...our cars are out, we're driving and seeing and talking cars for a few moments of the week with others of like mind. Your neighbors (and some of your friends) wouldn't understand.
CARS: open to all makes & marques, ALL eras and it’s not a show or concours. It’s just that: cars & coffee.
[Don’t like Starbucks?? Bring your own or have a Wendy’s and breakfast which is next door.]
If it’s raining – then forget it until the next time, June 19, same place and time. No one really wants to take their cars out in the rain. Besides, you can’t sit inside a coffee shop and really appreciate the cars outside.