Originally Posted by cab83_750
Perhaps I am the pessimist here. I see the economy as still pretty bad thus lower sales.
Amazin what happens when the taken-for-granted home eq line of credit gets taken away or exhausted.
Total auto sales for this year (seasonally adjusted) are expected to be around 11.2 million. Normal volume is around 17 to 18 million. I predict total 370s sold for 2010 will come in around 9000. Home equity lines are pretty non-existant with the devalued real estate market. Unless you've been in your home 10 years or more and built up some equity, the current devalued state and the risk associated with them has temporarily dried up the Home Equity market.
Time is a companion, who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment............ because it will never come again