Originally Posted by MC
or wait just thought of something you could be right and that one older lady is jacobs mom and and like MIB could be like an adopted black sheep type kid and his step mom was crazy to him.. because to me the blonde boy does look older i guess
but wasnt there some reference on lost to bad twin?
or maybe that pregnant girl is like claire and maybe mib was the real canidate and maybe jacobs mom stole the birth right from him so jacob could be the protector?
isnt that like jacob and esau in the bible... like one tricked their father that they were the other one or something? im not saying its literaly that im just saying lost uses a lot of familar myth and two battling brothers is a common one through out alot of cultures
maybe thats the shepard blood line? hmm
i dunno
Yeah I watch it on hulu, and a person did mention jacob and esau. Esau was a hunter and and was loved more by his dad, while jacob stayed home and I guess you can say a pretty boy and was loved more by his mother. I wonder if they are going to show them as twins? lol maybe because of their hair color thats why jacob is good and MIB is bad. They have not revealed MIB name have they? Also, just throwing it out there, I think it would have been interesting if hurley could have seen locke, unless there is something the MIB does when he takes over the image of someone that they can't communicate....just a though....lol. To think I though people were crazy watching the show
. can't wait to see who those other people are.
Maybe MIB will be enticed to go with those people in the preview and therefor be turned to the dark side
Also with the blood line maybe not, cause if shepard was part of the bloodline then there would be no need for the candidacy.
Was the anything mentioned about the reason for the Egyptian like statue before its was destroyed, also i remember they noticed that it had only 4 toes?