Originally Posted by LiquidZ
I noticed in your writeup you specifically talked about the spacers needed to install the kit. I was wondering if you (or Sam) could fill me in on the exact purpose of these spacers? My intuition leads me to believe these spacers will raise the center of gravity of the engine, which is something I do not like.
Also, let me know when you take delivery of the car because I would love to nag you about oil temps. and how they have changed 
The purpose of the spacers is to allow for the different sized turbo housings from Stage 1 all the way through Stage 6. They are small...I think it spaces the engine only 1/4" or a tad better. It will not affect the CG of the engine in the least.

This is why I saw it as a non-factor for my build.
As far as oil temps go...Sam assures me that his oil cooler will suffice. I hope he is right. If not, I have a backup plan...though Sam doesn't like it! *haha*