Originally Posted by TamZ
It will be the Jobing.com arena...looks like 7/25/10 is the big Justin Beiber concert there. LOL! Such fun...(not!) 
Yeah a buddy of mine once somehow got tickets to a chick type concert, and didn't wanna go alone. I told him quite frankly, I didn't wanna be the tallest one in the arena. (Surrounded by pre-pubecent screaming 12-14 yr olds) no thank you...
Originally Posted by TamZ
lol...Actually, I've had men in mini vans speed off super fast from a stop light, when they are next to me..I think that is sorta funny...lol...
LOL Yeah you get that alot around here, the problem most of the time is when they are behind you and swerve around you to go to the next lane. I'm always worried about one of them catching a bumper or a fender and taking it with them. And 90% of them don't have insurance. So its a loose/loose situation.