Originally Posted by Tresfr
Next time we need more than three 370's to come out. I know drag racing is not that great but we had myself and MiniCobra, My friends tuned Mustang Gt and the others SS Camaro all running between 13.3 and 13.7 which made for some fun grudge matches and pit conversation. You can even request to race against a friend. If we get more people in the future this could make things interesting.
Braden and Marco you owe me a rep point, thought I would forget. 
Yes, next time more of you guys need to come out, looks easy, but getting the perfect launch is very difficult. I'm sure I can knock more then a .50 second off my time if I can nail it. :-)
My first run ever, launched at 4000rpm (big mistake) roasted the tires through 1st and second gear, felt like my clutch broke, so I drove the rest of the way slowly, didn't even pick up my time slip. LOL
2nd run 13.68 @ 103 2.25 60ft
3rd run timing failed (let me run again) sucks, because this one felt good.
4th run 14.1@102.5 2.39 60ft
It was great fun, learned a lot, can't wait to do it again, and get those 60ft times down :-)
Mark, you do have a rep point coming