Originally Posted by SoCal 370Z
Sorry, I do not buy that for one minute. Nissan has been notorious for dismissing issues through their "value-laden" tag lines. Example, Exhibit A: "The addition of an oil cooler would have raised the price of the car and potentially moved it out of the reach of some customers."
They sell the 370Z under the sports car category, but expect it to be driven like a Yugo as anything above is not considered regular usage or considered "race track" driven. Nissan needs to get real and cease hiding under corporate lawyer written veiled statements that are the epitome of "vague and ambiguous."
I think alot of folks here need to get real and finally come to the long and overdue undertanding with the fact that a "sports car" and a "race car" are entirely two different types of vehicles.
In addition folks here need to finally come to the understanding that the act of buying any car doesn't include making the car dealer or the manufacturer your personal indentured servant who will pay for everything to convert the car into something you think it should be meant to be.