Horrible day !! Was driving to Chicago from Marshfield ,WI..Out of nowhere a cop pulled up..he tagged me @ 94...just said, Maam I won;t even listen to u... speeding at 94 in a 65 limit...so right now I have to appear in court,have a suspended licence and a fine of $300 plus..This is my first ticket...Any ideas as to what to expect..another thing is, am planning to visit family in California in a week for couple of months and the court date is in 3 w2eeks....what do I do...
He put 6 points on my citation...anything I can do to make this situation better ?
What happens if the cop does;nt show up and do I have to have a lawyer and how much does it cost ...

and the cop told me,I have a mandatory court appearence ,can I avoid that ?
And he said my license is suspended for 2 weeks in Wisconsin ,does this mean I can drive in IL