Originally Posted by JoeZ
Nice Horses. I really meant my name, I know many were jokes and funny ones at that. I really feel lucky that I was able to finally get the car I have wanted since the 300Z came out. I was 16 and in love. They were always a small dream to me and one day I walked in and could afford it. Yay drinkers who tipped me well enough to afford her.
I thought yours was actually pretty good lol. At least it means something to you.
If someone tries to spew out that they named their car Kanji because of the "elegance of the 370Z's design reminds me of the same I see in the methods the Japanese use to write kanji...the beautiful flowing designs and blahblahblahblah"
Maybe I should name mine, "DoucheZ". Because it seems I run into a lot of douches, and its a Z. Witty, amirite?