I just had mine replaced. They do NOT look like this:
The new ones are a little longer and a lot stiffer. When I went there I asked to see them and I took mine off so I could compare them, as I knew others had problems with the dealer installing the same ones... They are different but you have to look close to even tell...
No issues yet, and it happened a lot before... We shall see...
For those having problems with their dealer not ordering these under warantee: I had gone in for them to look at them and as expected it was working fine for them. They sent me on my way, and said if it happens more often to make another appt to bring it in. They have to see it in person. Then a few weeks later after rading this thread, I got pissed so I called to speak to the Manager and had to get loud and rude for them to finally order the part for me. Don't play nice if they are jerking you around!