Originally Posted by ZCarGo
I'd highly recommend getting one. This was the first car I ever installed one. However, I would highly recommend doing this as soon as possible after you take delivery to avoid any nicks before you install it.
My last car was only a year old and it had all kinds of road rash including two cracks in the windshield due to all the damn dump trucks driving down the road and spewing their sand and rocks (live in FL and it's a frequent event).
After only two weeks with my Z, I had a handful of nicks. Since I put the clear bra on, no problems and the love bugs wipe right off.
In the future, I'll get the clear bra installed as soon as I take delivery.
Having venture shield installed on Tuesday, the installer couldn't get me done before then. Have been driving carefully, trying to avoid running too close to another vehicle, but have already picked up a rock chip in the bumper since taking delivery on Tuesday

Will touch it up and hope I don't get anymore Monday. Gonna let the car sit this weekend. I think they are well worth it. My 2006 nose was a mess, looked like someone had shot it with a shotgun there were so many rock chips.