Originally Posted by 6spd
I could go scourer the internet for a source, but youll just have to take my word, I am a mechanic after all and have no reason to deceive you. Ive fixed many a wheel speed sensor because of the low tire light. The system isnt nearly as technical as your audi system, but it has been around for a while.
A ten second Google search isn't scourer. I deal with technicians all day everyday...
who cares that your a tech. Your probably a shadetree tech anyway since your on these forums. You not an engineer that developed anything, so what good is your word against all these organizations and manufacturers who promote Nitrogen. That's my point!!
If you want to state your opinion then that's ok!! I keep repeating myself about first hand experience and nobody states that they've tried it and it didn't make some difference. No real comparison study. That's my basis for arguement. Not that I am a pro and you should listen to me!!!!
Bottom line, you can listen to folks who sit in front of a computer and analyze things and make generalized statements when a legitimate question is asked or you can listen to first hand experience w/ actual comparisons.(based on initial skepticism)
DONE! You'll be happy to know I'm done here! I'm sure you'll need the last word!