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Old 12-06-2008, 05:53 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RCZ View Post
Who's talking about price? When did price come into the picture. We are talking about performance. Not to mention the thread title claims that the 370z matches the performance of the M3 therefore using it as a benchmark. Yes its more expensive, yes it is faster. Also has materials that are flawless and the ride is amazing. Comes with a very nice super-high revving super-high tech engine and great weight balance. I mean yes its going to cost more with all the quality and technology on it.

I personally don't think the Z could keep up, thats all. I am far from an M3 fanboy either although I do think its a great car. I think that maybe a 370z vs e46 M3 could be interesting, but don't ask me which one I'd rather be driving on the track.

"So RCZ, why dont you shut up, leave and buy an M3!"

Because the Z is amazing value and it looks pretty damn good. In my opinion better than the e92 M3. Its lighter, smaller and the VQ engine is awesome. It is much less pretentious and loves to be modded. Because parts are cheaper to buy and because installing them will be cheaper. Because I think the M3 has lost it's way a bit from the focused car it used to be and the Z has done the exact opposite. The Z will be an awesome daily driver too, with a new nicer interior and some cool technology to boot. Nice available sound system and navigation, etc, etc.

I mean come on I could keep going, but I think we all know why we are here.
Price has a lot to do with it. Based on your statement you already know. Which was my point, the Z is an amazing value. Maybe it won't keep up with an M3 Ewhatever. But it holds it's own dollar for dollar. Which has been the bench mark for the Z since day one.
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