Car towed to dealer today

had to wait over and hour for a flatbed to come, after I messed with it for an hour trying to figure it out. Had my wife bring the other key, tried putting it in the fobgina, disconnected battery (hoping to re-set something) nothing worked.
I got the "Key" light on the dash on Friday, I went that day and got a new CR2032 battery for the fob, thinking that was it. The light actually went out, I drove all weekend with no light, and no problems. Dropped my daughter off a school this morning and when I returned to the car, it wouldn't start. Everything else seamed to work, lights, horn, doors unlock/lock. The start button said lock and it would not even turn to accessory mode. Steering wheel was in the Un-locked position.
LOOKS LIKE THIS IS BECOMING A PROBLEM, 4 people so far and twice for TENNESSEZ!! (read thread)
Dealer just called, said it was a problem with the PDM "Power Distribution Module", not actually the solenoid, but what provides power too it. It might take a week to get the part
For those that had this problem, was your solenoid and PDM replaced?? or just the solenoid to the steering wheel lock?