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Old 04-25-2010, 01:42 AM   #1 (permalink)
Imported Performance
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Default KW Variant 1 and 3 Coilover Kits INSTOCK and on SALE at Imported Performance

KW is a THE world class suspension company, and we are truly ecstatic to be able to offer you their product. The Variant 1 coil over is perfect for the drive that just wants to lower the car a bit (up to 1.8 inches) and still wants to maintain a comfortable ride for road. Where as the Variant 3 is going to be for the driver that wants to take the car out to the track. The Variant 3 offers height adjustment, bound adjust, and rebound adjustment.


KW Variant 1 Coil Overs

KW Variant 3 Coil Overs
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