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Old 04-24-2010, 09:50 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blue660r01 View Post
I have Cablevision here (Optimum Online) and lately my internet has been losing connection for a few minutes every so often, which recently turned into about 4-5x an hour. Its getting REALLY annoying. I tried to reset the router as I have done in the past only to run into a bigger issue. NOW, I cannot connect to my home wirless at all! I go to my network connections and it doesnt even show up, only other peoples wireless. I've waited as long as a half hour with everything turned off for it to do something and I have come up with NOTHING.

I even turned unplugged EVERYTHING in the outlet (TV is the same provider) and the TV is working, just no internet. I am about to lose it. Absolutely FED UP with this company all I have had is problems since day 1. Verizon here I come lol

Can anyone guide me on how to fix this? All the information is under my roomate who hasnt been here for a few days therefore I cannot call them. I tried to go to their online tech support also but all it does is freeze my browser.
Do you have a combination modem/router? Who makes your router? Who makes your modem?

When you lose internet do you notice any loss in quality on your lower channels (basic cable channels)?

I can almost guarantee that your problem is not with your ISP but instead with your hardware.
nuTinmuch! -- Platinum Graphite 370Z -- Check out my Gallery thread here!
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