Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
LOL speakers tailored for your car, doubt it. How they are aimed and setup that is something that I would believe. Speed knows what he is talking about and someone I talk to a for advice. So chill out!
You doubt becasue you and 95% of enthusiasts out there dont understand how crossovers really work. They do much more than filter frequencies. You can alter the phase and shift the time alignments on the drivers to compensate for tweeter location and for the material it reflects off of like glass vs plastic, leather, or even carpet. Crossover design is a science that is used in DIY world of car and home audio. Some people think its a bandaid solution and it is if you use inferior quality speakers ie "BOSE" but it does work!
I have been doing DIY for 15 years and I have developed my own custom software for crossover and enclosure design. If anyone is interested in it I might even share it.