Originally Posted by citycat
Eh, not too into those cars, though I'm sure they're great for bad weather.
Why wouldn't you run the Z year-round, assuming winter rims/tires?
Well, multiple reasons, but these are mainly personal.
First, I feel its far too nice of a car to drive around in winter and get salt all over, rusting it up.
Second, its not particularly safe. Yes, Ive heard of many people driving RWD vehicles in the snow, including big heavy boats like Caprices. But, personally, I wouldn't want to if I had the choice. Winter tires/wheels ought to help considerably, but I still wouldn't want to do it.
Third, ground clearance issues. If you get more than a few inches of snow, that front end w/ the spoiler will be like a plow, and furthermore, if you somehow get stuck, getting out of it is going to be tons o' fun. And by tons o' fun, I mean, you'll need to get pulled out if you get high-centered on some hard-packed snow.
Long story short, I dont see this as being a very good winter car at all if you get a lot of snow.
On the other hand, if you just get "cold" in the winter, and not much snow and ice? Have at it.