Originally Posted by DannyGT
I guess I will call my dealer up tomorrow. I have a fairly good relationship with them so hopefully I can get some answers. I still dont know what to think...I can see it being the SRM or the Pedal calibration but I think I'm leaning more towards something to do with SRM. Then again, when it rev'd to 2k for a few seconds while my foot was on the brake and the stick in neutral I dont know what the heck to think...LOL
If it only revs for a few seconds, then it is SRM. SRM doesn't care if you are braking, and it is active in neutral (can detect neutral gate position). SRM shuts down after about 3 seconds after you leave a gear.
If it revs for longer periods of time, especially while stationary (SRM is disabled while stationary) then it is a pedal problem.