This is a topic that will go on and on. I would post on bobistheoilguy if you want a breakdown on various oils. All of us have our favorites and reasons for them but that does not make it the right oil for you. I prefer synthetics for its heat tolerances given the Z's high running temps. Most pure synthetics will maintain vis to 400 or over. On the other hand, any good spec oil will most likely do the job if not pushed. I use extended drain intervals on my vehicles but may not when I get my Z because the high temps on the Z would bother me being a tad OCD. Mobile extended is a conventional oil with a tad more additives then their base oil. I would not hesitate to run it 5000 but would not go more and that is on a broken in engine. I would do research on filters as well. Oil is only as good as its' filter. Again, oil is a sacred subject and we all have an opinion. And you know the saying that opinions are like --------, we all have them and they all stink...