Originally Posted by JACKPAC
p90x is effective even if you start out in shape. I did it for about a month with noticeable results, but stopped d/t a busy work schedule. I'm going to try and start it back up. None of that bigger results from less work BS. It's bigger results from lots of hard work!
I heard ya, its usually 10 min warm up, 45 mins of crazy work out and 5 mins of cool down. I though that yoga would be easy, nope. I love it!!! Plus you can pace yourself until you get it, last week was spent about a 1 hrs and 20 mins, now with some of them I can keep up. Kenpo is awseaome, but I need more coordination lol. After the 90 days (I hope I still am on it) I might try out the P90x lean, lose more fat. Man is cardio my worse enemy, but I got to do it.