I owned a 2003 black Pathfinder... paint was great on it not sure how Nissan dropped the ball with the current paint on the 370's.
I hand wash all my vehicles 90% of the time or a touch less car wash in the winters, biggest hate I had for my black Pathfinder was water spots on a hot day, I could never shammy it fast enough to get a clean spot free car.
A friend told me about a product called , Mr. Clean AutoDry™ Pro-Series,basically it ionizes the water through filtering so the water molecules cant stick to one another for a spot free rinse ,the water cant sit in puddles and form spots.
Depending on how hard your towns water is,the filters last anywhere from 5-15 washes before you replace them
I never replaced the shampoo in the system, I have my preferences as to shampoos but the filter system was the high point of washing and drying a black vehicle ,no more shammys , no more water spots ,best $25 I ever spent.