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Old 04-13-2010, 11:29 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Time to answer some questions.

hi, as mentioned before really excited to get my exhaust now as well although with 18inch resonators. I have a question regarding the first picture, that ramp, who makes that ramp and do you know where i could order that, looks a lot more secure than race ramps or jack stands would love to add something like that to my garage.
I'll have to find this out for you, I'm not quite sure as this wasn't my lift. It is pretty awesome, though. Really easy to use and very secure.

hey do you think that the 12s are to loud to hold conversations in the car and talk on the phone without people hearing it all the time in the background?
They'll be able to tell you are in a car but the exhaust won't drone over your own voice. You can carry on a conversation with a passenger with a normal tone of voice -- or less. If you are on the gas it will get loud in the cabin, though, but that is too be expected.

As far as the loudness does it compare to the Stillen exhaust? It's difficult to tell from just sound clips...

You also mentioned gains, and without having to go search for 2 minutes does anybody have a stock v FI Exhaust dyno sheet?
I've never heard the Stillen in person so I can't really answer that. It's about as loud as my friends Blitz N1 on his WRX if you've ever heard one of those.

Dyno sheets can be found here: Fast Intentions exhaust is here!

If anyone else has any questions feel free to ask me.
nuTinmuch! -- Platinum Graphite 370Z -- Check out my Gallery thread here!
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