Originally Posted by Zaggeron
You need to see my introduction thread.
Guys, a QD and microfiber towel is only effective if the dust is loose and you need to remove as much dust off the paint BEFORE you go that route. I am led to believe that if you think it can be done any other way, then you didn't watch the videos.
Originally Posted by Gaiiden
if it's just dust even better is to use a swiffer!! Seriously, I use one all the time on my MB Z and never leaves a scratch. Watch out for the plastic handle tho! Best to just hand wipe
As for the Swiffer suggestion, your method definitely will scratch and swirl the paint to death. You don't have to believe me, you can see it for yourself. Take your camera and set it for macro mode. This will enable you to take a picture of your paint from less than 12 inches. Then, shoot the flash off into the paint and capture it in the picture. I will bet the house that this is what you'll see (because I do this all the time and have never lost this bet
This guy swore that his paint was flawless. This is what he saw:
This is what I showed him:
This is what it looked like after I fixed it:
His daughter (in the picture) was going to get the car when he croaked. She made him buy the stuff necessary to fix the car.
How about some more examples.
I would love to see a macro burst shot of your paint...