Did you follow the Owner's Manual Break-In Procedure?
Just curious how many of you new 370Z owners followed the Nissan recommended break-in procedure, which involves following these rules for the first 1200 miles:
1. Not revving the engine past 4,000 RPM.
2. Not accelerating at full throttle in any gear.
3. No quick starts or "launching" the car.
4. Making sure to vary the RPMs and not drive at a constant speed.
5. Not braking hard.
Personally, I could not wait to drive it fast but I have not yet redlined it (have about 980 miles on it). I honestly think after the first several hundred miles the car is fully broken in, but reading the owners manual would have you think otherwise.
Last edited by drisko; 03-31-2009 at 02:06 AM.