Originally Posted by gh0st3794
I had a question about the install of my stillen catback. As far as the instructions, it says to reuse the factory gasket between the cats and y-pipe, which I did. But the exhaust comes with 5 gaskets total. I'm left with 2 extra gaskets. What are they for?
Also, after driving, I'm noticing a bit of burble/popping (sounds like afterfire) between shifts which is making downshifts feel a bit jerky at times. Anyone else experiencing this?
Maybe they included those just in case your cat to y pipe gasket is toasted. I re-used cat to y pipe on mine and haven't noticed any leak. (i have AP exhaust)
Burble/popping seems to be normal on most of the exhaust systems. I remember there was a post in relation to the gargle sometime in the past but too lazy to search for it. but nonetheless, with increased piping diameter gargle is normal.
vroooom - click - gargle gargle - click - vrooooom - gargle garle burp burp - click VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!