Originally Posted by BOLIO 671
 Shame on those Nissan Guys for not hookin you up  ...I swear they can be so Anal.....I'm getting to the point where I'm about to say  with the whole warrant thing and just get some stuff for the car...Curious..did they void you're whole warranty with your parts...Cuz that's what they told me...Any mods would void my warranty all together...and your car is Modded the F--- OUT!
FYI...That whole rear camera is hella solid! What did that cost you? and where did you hook up the monitor?
yes... my warranty is voided to the max lol... but i really dont care... im gonna do fi soon and its gonna void everything all together LOL i think i have aircon and interior left for the warranty part LOL... everything else is voided.... the camera was hella cheap... it was like i think 30 shipped to guam and switched out my headunit to a pioneer avh4000dvd thats my screen