so i fixed my broken tpms sensor today i dont think i mentioned it but yah i broke it on christmas when i hit a huge pothole....

but its ok

woooot woooo took them like 3 hours though?

i was like sooo how long will it take? 30 mins says the lady.. sure ill wait for it... i spent the next 2 and a half hours roaming around the dealer from how bored i was... i ended up reserving a couple parts that were coming in

i got me the rear cargo mat!!!! which i was sooo stoked about... and the nismo edition floor mats....

haha.... O and over the week end i applied 5 layers of wax on my z... i washed her with mothers car wash then mothers clay bared her then i used a cleaner wax from mothers then a glaze from meguirs then a full carnuba wax from mothers then a hi tech yellow wax from meguirs twice!!!

the outcome is like a mirror lol but my arms felt the pain from all the buffing... they felt like noodles.... still waiting on my spacers... the powdercoating guy should be back from states this wens... ill have him touch up the curb rash i have on one of my rims and the spacers... here are the pics of my z... wish i had a better camera... its soo shiny when im putting on the car cover... its slipping all over the place lol its like glass
hope u guys like it...