Originally Posted by Old Chuck
Have driven the old style Z4M but not the new design. The old design was more raw and viseral then the new compared to many. The Z4M seemed to have more torque then the Z but the numbers are about the same however the Z4M seemed to have more seat of the pants feel. For the money the 370 is the better deal for putting a grin on your face but the BMW felt more refined and expensive on the inside. Comparing both 2010 models, the BMW seems more like a small Astin Martin with nice luxury touches whereas, the 370Z seems more basic and down to business. Both are quick however, I am not sure the 370Z wiill average 0-60 in 4.6.

My brother has a 2007 Z4 M Coupe. Great little vehicle. Raw and visceral is right. The brakes are very touchy. I think the balance between brake and gas pedal pressures is much more even in our 370Z. Feels like the driver sits lower than in the Z. The 370Z is a little more civilized and I find it more tolerable as a daily driver. Yeah, the 370 is more like 0-60 in 5.0 s (there was only one source that I came across that stated 4.6 s). Both vehicles are very similar. Big difference in price. Don't forget the cost of ownership of a BMW is $$$ as well. Also, typical problems with electrical gremlins and little items like easily breakable cupholders. Don't get me wrong, I like the feel of my brother's car and I would be happy to own one. I have lots of respect and admiration of that car. Of the two, I would still choose the 370. If you could find a used Z4 M Coupe in good condition that's great. However, I don't like the new Z4 for several reasons: bigger dimensions, tamed down for mass appeal (styling, sound, suspension stiffness, etc), and a price increase...therefore I would definitely steer clear of that one. My $0.02.