Originally Posted by W.O.W. 370Z
Here is an example of contradictions and different stories:
OP's Post here on the370z.com states: "I was made to pay for parts for a new short block. I never wanted a built block. I wanted the safe 500whp promised on my stock motor."
OP's Post on G37 Forum states : So shariff agrees to fix the car at no charge, back to Stock! we said screw it lets build it, we ordered upgraded rods and pistons!!!
I do this for a living. I hear two stories and find discrepancies. I don't think a cut and paste response would be advisable. I have no dog in this fight. However, as an advocate of fairness and justice, I hate to see things like this blow up on the forums, with such a one sided bashing and as I stated before, border line defamation.
You see that as a discrepancy and I read it as someone who A) doesn't speak English well and probably didn't represent the situation properly and B)didn't want to risk another OEM block. Always differing points of view.
I have *now* heard both sides of this story. Until today I had only heard Sharif's side. I can honestly say that his side doesn't add up. Juan's does. The pictures do not lie. Me? No dog in this fight, either. But, I am always going to speak up when their is obvious Vendor bias.
Originally Posted by 370Zsteve
Subscribed! fascinating thread. If Forged is that bad, I can't imagine how they'd be in business one year after this alleged incident. In for updates, and very skeptical on the veracity of the OP, sorry, pics do NOT tell the story. If this truly is the install from Forged, find a new line of work. If this is the OP's disaster pre-Forged, I smell fish.
As I read it, this is how the car left Forged and arrived at GTM? How could this be remotely something that the OP did on his own?

Seriously, posts like this are utterly inane.