Originally Posted by W.O.W. 370Z
I suggest some of your google this : "Forged Perfomance expirence!!!". I know it is misspelled but this is how the OP titled each of his original threads. There are many threads on various G35,G37 and 350Z. I am surprised to see this judge, jury and executioner actions this community has decided to take on. You haven't heard any evidence yet and the community is ready to bash and defame a legitimate business.
It's funny to see how people's feelings about certain companies are swayed at the drop of a hat. Google "Forged Perfomance expirence!!!" Sit down and read all that has been posted and said. Its easy to sit back and bash without a true context of what happened. Forged has explained themselves and their reasons for their actions. I rest assured Forged will explain their situation.
I'll wait to hear their response to this thread, since apparently the other threads got flamed for poor English. I'd rather see them respond to a thread posted with better English, and undoubtedly, clearer facts.
If their explanation was so great on other threads, it should have just been cut n pasted four hours ago.