1. Xan (MA, USA)
2. djpathfinder (AB, Canada)
3. Marcus Ryan
4. BoostAddict
5. Zspeed (VA, USA)
6. adalsky
7. cowzrul
8. Knewrome
9. Rick370z (CA, USA)
10. esfourteen (NY, USA)
11. carbonguy (VA, USA)
12. J-BoneZ (FL, USA)
13. D02808045 (Dallas, USA), aka: John
14. BalanBro (NJ, USA)
15. brakedrift12 (VA,USA)
16. Sdb3641 (Houston,TX)
17. Cunnos (Boston, MA)
18. orpit (Saarbruecken, GERMANY) <- One of 370 exemplars in Europe
19. Rui Z (Anaheim, CA, 501643)
20. natepaulus(Mt. Vernon, IL)
21. Thavee, Bangkok, Thailand
22. ColtSeavers (Muc, Germany)
Yeah, looks like they only sold 2 of them here in GER so far... I like