Well, I got bored yesterday and decided to paint my fangs flat black

I was quoted $200 - $250 at the bodyshops, and thought that I'd try it myself and if it didn't turn out ok, then I'll just take it in, but if it did, then I just saved myself $250
I sanded it litely with a 120 grit sanding sponge, then finished off with a 320 grit. I used this Krylon camo flat black paint that is suppose to adhere to plastics, etc. without any sanding or primer. I didn't use primer, because there was already a pretty good base for it to stick too. I applied 3 coats, waiting 15 minutes in between. I think it looks great!, hopefully it will hold up to road debris. Masking, sanding, & painting took about 2.5 hours.
Update 3/30/09: Added 2 coats of Rustoleum Matte Clear coating. (pictures below are before the Matt Clear Coating) It's added a bit of sheen, kind of a satin finish or 10% gloss, I think it actually looks better :-) I'll take some more pics and post when I get a chance.