Originally Posted by chuckd05
On here it seems like an urban legend has been created. Which is that you need to get v1 Stud Replacement Wheel Spacers for the front and that v2 with the built in studs do not work or fit...
That is incorrect... I just moved my 20mm Ichiba v2s that I had on my Rear to the front and they fit with no problem at all... This is with the OEM 19s.
I than replaced the rear spacers with 25mm Ichiba v2s and the outcome is perfect... Car sits flush in the front and the rear looks a bit meaner than before.
But the point of this thread is that, atleast with 20mm v2 Ichiba's in the front, the v2 with built in studs fits with no issues.
But... does anyone know if it's the same for the H&R spacers??
I'm planning to do 20/20 and if the bolt ons will fit without needing the extended stud replacements, then it'd make this mod a lot easier and cheaper!