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Old 04-08-2010, 09:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by speedfreak28 View Post
Off the top of my head...
pioneer ts-c720prs
polk sr6500
hybrid clarus and legatia series
morel dotech ovation
zapco ck comps
just to name a few... dont get me wrong some of focals higher lines are great ( anything with the TN series tweet) but to make the claim they are the best for the money is a little off. Id put JL and Focal in the same trendy overpriced range. if there comps were a cpl hundred less then it would be another story...

You are right about the W6 being flatter than the 13TW5. I had to use steep crossover points and low settings plus a parametric eq to get mine to flatten out.

What I really like about Focal speakers is that they have a strong midrange presence and crystal clear highs. This isnt for everyone, some people prefer a more laid back speaker. I love thier detail and crisp tight midbass they deliver. Thier home audio speakers are incredible!

As much as I love JL's stuff I disagree with you about putting them in the same catagory as JL. Focal speakers are hand made and they manufacture all of thier components. They are a whole other league beyond JL Audio.

To compare a set of Pioneer or even Polk speakers to Focal speakers is like comparing a turbocharged dodge neon to a Cayman S Porche Yeah it may keep up with it but it aint a Porche and it sure doesnt sound like a Porche.
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