I did get my deposit back, better be else I’ll give them hell

what tit me even more were that I contacted their general manager the next day (after about 5 unsuccessful phone calls and numeric voice mails of course), i got through with the general manager but no surprise to me he was a totally **** just like his employees...his words weren't sincere, not even try to apologize, and sound like he doesn't even care about customer services. All he said that they have the same situation 2 or 3 times like that in a month....and repeatedly said it wasn't their fault (at least he try to cover up like that)... I was like, you're kidding me right, so you guys screw about dozen of people 2-3 times like that in a month, and wondering why your dealership is still in business right?...off course he doesn't seem to give a sh#t... and can't wait to get rid of my phone call....I told him that I want a letter of apology from the salesman and the sale manager, and possible from him as well. He promised but I never got any letter from them....except for a few enjoying service reminders from their services department....I ignored most of them but they're just kept coming, so the last time I write on their service letter and send it back telling them to go to hell because I did not buy any **** from them and stop bother me with all the worthless reminders again...haven't seen anything since!!!!!!