ive been putting alota thought.... and realistically i highly doubt i will get some rims anytime soon.... first thing is first.... im waiting for the stillen supercharger to be fully released and wait till some of you guys install them

wait it out lol im not saying there are going to be bugs and stuff with the kit i just wanna be absolutely sure when i do buy the kit... i dont wanna run into problem after problem....

and on top of the super charger.... im waiting to see finalized pics on the stillen front fascia and side skirts..... if it looks exactly and good as the photo shop then im going to get them.... if not then ill stick with the jp vizage lip and nismo s-tune side skirts route i was planning on ever since....

i think that should absolutely keep me busy this whole year until maybe the beginning of next.... with that said... im really tired of looking at my car and the rims looked sucked in the car... its worse because its dropped and it cambers in more.... soooooo for the mean time....
i ordered me a set of ichiba V2 spacers... thanks to schrute for helping me out with the right ones to get.... i ordered 30mm for the front and 25mm for the rear
next mod.... MINES ADD ON SPOILER.... this is going down after my ichibas arrive and get powder coated black... i am super stoked about the wing... even if its super ridiculously priced..... because after that... the rear of my car will be finished

and i know its gonna look absolutely sexy lol.....