Originally Posted by JACKPAC
If you already have an Iphone, or any smart phone for that matter, what's the point in this?
Currently not much, but my hope is this will complement a smartphone better than a netbook can be.
A smartphone is great for getting quick emails, web browsing and time killing. Though a smart phone fails at taking it to the next level, deeper details, more options, etc. Not saying the iPad has achieved this, but I think it can be a proper step towards what I personally want.
My list:
~Good magazine, newspaper device (eReader was at the top but extremely limited)
~Better email support, richer environment
~Google Voice - currently with anything apple I will have to use the web interface or jailbreak the device
~Remote desktop functionality
~Video streaming (Netflix, Hulu, etc.)
~Video out
~Not 4:3 ratio screen (16:9 would be better)
I have more but you get the idea. I am not looking for a larger iPhone, but a table that is an extension of my desktop & phone. Archos almost had what I wanted at one point but they scrapped it and are starting over with Android, which I think will be better in the end as Google will be supporting the OS and Archos can focus on hardware.