The biggest things I offer to get:
-Good sockets (you'll want metric mainly, but imperial wouldnt hurt, either). Make sure you get some deep sockets!
-Same with wrenches. I also recommend that, as you do work on the car, look for certain tasks you may do often that take a special tool. Good example, a 10MM ratcheting wrench has come in handy for me MANY times.
-Breaker bars - smaller ones (like 1/4" drive) are kinda pointless. But, a good 3/8" and 1/2" breaker bar should be mandatory.
-Extensions. At LEAST one for each drive that you have.
-Torque wrench - you'll find they are NOT covered under Craftsman's free return policy - something about them being a precision tool or something. Anyway, I wouldnt go TOO cheap on one...I have one 3/8" and one 1/2" drive.
-Varying screwdriver sizes (phillips and flat head, of course)...always annoying when you try to attack a small-*** phillips screwhead with a driver thats too big, and it strips it out.
Those are the very basics I'd roll with.
I don't own a car anymore.
Last edited by MightyBobo; 04-03-2010 at 11:52 AM.