today was a sad day... i saw 2 370z's !!! I was pulled over by a police officer for arguing with a guy on the road... he was tailgating me like crazy, so at the light i pulled next to him and screamed a few words at him, little do I know there was a cop waiting to pull him over behind me! He got mad at me and made me pull over with him.
He wrote him a tail gaiting ticket and told me to cool off, LOL
While I was waiting a black Z with greddy exhaust passed by...
than later in the day I saw and spoke to a mid aged man in a sweet PG Nismo..
2 in one day...
later on I got a call from my bro who has a 350z who said he was messing with a red 370... thats three in one day out by me in suffolk... that is no beuno!
I think its happening finally, the cars been out two years, and soon there will be 370zs everywhere.
and to make matters worse my buddy also decided he was getting a 370z .. while I am happy for him, this is ruining my cars exclusiveness. Its a sweet car though, what can we expect.