Originally Posted by MightyBobo
Hey, look! Our favorite misinformed domestic basher has arrived!
Weird, I thought comparing two $30000 cars next to each other was a valid comparison, but apparently, only the V6 version of the GT...a solid $8000 less (more than likely) than the 370Z is only good enough for you.
Look, you're out of your league with mechanical knowledge, and you talk out of your *** in ALL of these conversations - please, spare us from yet another horrible read-a-thon that involves you?
if dont like what i have to say, you don't have to read it, you can go back to shoving your head up your arse.
You can't park within two spaces of the guy without him getting all upset about how you parked your hoopty too close to his F1-inspired 370Z.
I can't wait for the day someone parks a rustbucket right next to your car in an EMPTY parking lot and kicks the door open, leaving a nice juicy scratch on your car, only for you to come to this forum and whine about it, just so i can bitchslap ur arse. now

and go back to your rathole
Except for making the Mustang into a track-able machine. That, however, is impossible. Dont even think about it. DURRRRR HURP DURP. IM PHARMACIST. DUR DEE DURP
wow, you're dripping with IQ right there

anything can be made to be trackable even a camry with enough money. what's your point?