Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
We in recent years have changed the meaning of rice to be the uglier japanese cars. But 20 or 25 years ago, while we were in a cold war with the soviet union and american patriotism was dangerously runamuck. Rice meant cheap japanese car of any brand and was associated with not supporting the "american economy" when you bought one. The favorite joke on japanese sports cars was that the exhaust made that sound because it was laced with raw rice. The Z also had this label. Most americans hated the Z and Rx-7 stating they were the cheapest copies of porsches and corvettes.
Now americans have come to accept the inferior quality of the domestic sports car so they buy what they consider "the exception to the rule in japanese design" and call everything else rice. Then scream out japanese sports car heritage in a Z or skyline like your great grandfather was asian auto engineer??? Confusing ain't it. Lol.
Why can't you just call a car cheap without the subtle racist subversive comments? An evo in styling is what the japanese enthusiast market likes. Its part of there culture. If the mitsu is rice? Then the stang is a potatomobile? Or maybe a camaro is a corn machine? The challenger... hmmm the wheatmaker??? Keep it real please.

To the OP, you just need to break it down by what your needs & future are with the car. Also, I ended up not even really looking at the Evo X in the end because the dealerships were being the same about a test drive. I was about to leave the dealership with a group of them standing around me when one asked what I have already test driven, listed off a few cars, they started to scramble to find the keys but I had already left.