Originally Posted by gumpy
Just wondering if anyone did this with the SRM on? i tried it and it really works well for going from 6th to 4th gear. My box revs to the 4th gear speed if i put the stick into neutral, the gear slots in so nicely... Expecially good as it's a very common gear i drop into for sweeping bends... need to work out how to make it work for 3rd gear without crunching gears...
It DOES work like that but ONLY on some 370Zs! I know it's very weird. My 370Z box will match the RPM of the 4th gear if I put it in neutral move the shift knob to the left but for example, MODSHACK's 370Z will not do this revving. Why? I do not know. I even made a video about it how it revs the RPM when moved to the left neutral and MODSHACK told me that his Z will not rev like mine....
Basically, if I move the shifter from 6th to neutral, SRM will hold the rpm. Now if I move the shift knob slightly to the LEFT (in neutral), SRM WILL rev the RPM even more because it thinks I will go to either 3rd or 4th (from 6th).
Is this what you're saying?