Originally Posted by 370Zsteve
Nobody proved there was a "manufacturer caused defect". IMO, the dealer is being responsive to a customer. Good luck suing Nissan in small claims court.
Originally Posted by Mize
He doesn't need to sue Nissan. The dealer already admitted fault when they agreed to repair the damage. Their repair was inadequate. Small claims against the dealer with that data is a slam dunk.

Exactly! IMO, the dealer is
NOT being responsive to the customer - the dealer should fix the additional damage that
they caused during the original repair. End of story.
And my other point was that just because you "sign on the dotted line" it doesn't mean that you're "accepting the condition" of the car as-is as 370Zsteve stated - if there are defects present in a new car when you drive it off the lot, the warranty covers you (not to mention lemon laws and other state consumer protection statutes).