Originally Posted by Liquid_G
So basically you are saying that we can only comment on this if we like what he's done? ya that's not how it works in the real world pal.
In my opinion its a poor install. Several people commented on it, and the owner got all butthurt about it and started ranting calling people "butt monkeys" and saying we aren't as rich as him because he has the baller status to pay for a nismo.. pure class..
If you aren't prepared to accept criticism then you shouldn't be post what you've done on a forum..

That is what I am wondering about. There is always going t be someone out there that will disagree with you or what you do. I added my 2 cents because I didn't like the way he handled the comments. This forum is still doing better than say a NICO or Zilvia, but quickly headed in that direction. Hopefully we can keep the illness to a minimum.
Originally Posted by Jeffblue
a lot of what people say sounds more harsh because its all typed and emoticons. i posted something about making my own wooden shifter, and several people were just like 'uh no' and short negative comments like that. but thats their opinion, and if they had said it in person it probably would'nt have sounded that harsh, don't take things to personal, if we all loved everyones mods the same, we'd all be driving the same mods on our cars and there wouldn't be anyhting unique about anyone's cars.
i only said the wheels were 'butt' b/c they look pink in the video. while i wouldn't put red accents on my wheels, i think the idea of a red accent can be nice. i thought it was pink which would be kind of ugly as you would probably agree.
With the red accents on the NISMOs, I just kept thinking about it peeling off rather soon and looking crappy afterward. I want to know how much he actually paid for the audio install, but I won't hold my breathe for an answer.