Originally Posted by Red370
oh c'mon man, i think you're just looking for an excuse to buy the Z, traffic should be no object or deterring factor in your choice of transmission, I drive through heavy traffic every day, its as simple as clutch in, shift to neutral, clutch in, shift to 1st, its not a difficult operation, however if you're completely lazy and cant handle shifting a few times, then maybe you're better off with an auto.
Come on now, try not to tear into the guy because he doesn't drive a "super uber" manual. To avoid an arguement I will just restate what myself and others have said: it's YOUR car, only YOU can make the right choice, not somebody else!
Want good advice? Drive them both! Then ask yourself "does this make me happy? Will I be 100 percent satisfied with my purchase?" If the answer to either of those questions is no then just walk away!
Post pics whatever you decide!