Originally Posted by ZSPEED
CharlieFoxtro you are a genius. You should make this into a kit and sell it on-line. I would be the first to buy one. I am serious. I am using a TomTom XXL540S which has a slightly bigger screen (5 inches as oppsed to the Nuvi 4.3). Do you think you are willing to make one for me and mail it. I will pay you for your time, materials, and shipping expenses. Let me know.
No way!
Because of the irregular dimensions of the cubbyhole, it was a PITA to shape the florist's foam. Lots of trial and error. You can do it with just a sharp bread or frozen food knife. It's actually pretty amateurish. I first tried using foam rubber but that wound up an unmitigated disaster. The florist's foam is also pretty messy; lots of foam dust to clean up. Spray painting it after you've shaped it ends the dust problem. While doing it, I though it would be great if someone, with a little more skill and manual dexterity than I have, would make a mold of the cubbyhole and sell cubby inserts and masks for different electronic toys. I'd buy one (or two)!