A salute to Australia. Would that it were true here. One reason I gave up my bike was so many people seemed to be trying to kill me. I can't believe the difference between driving the 2006 Pathfinder I traded on the Z. People pull out in front of me, most often women on cell phones even though they are staring right at me. At four way stop signs, even when I am clearly first, I often let the other guy/gal go otherwise they go anyway. This morning a woman in a white SUV was waiting to pull onto a main road. In front of me was another white SUV. She waited for him to pass. The distance between the SUV waiting to pull out and the SUV she did not pull out in front of was the same. I was already prepared. Even though I was going faster than the SUV in front of me and my car is red, sure enough, she paused, and then pulled out in front of me. So typical.