Originally Posted by Greasy
And to be honest, they really don't get internet over here.
The service providers are terrible, its overpriced and slow. I dont think there is any unlimited package.
You can go to an internet cafe, but its not even worth it with how slow the computers and connection are.
I ended up dropping a large sum of cash for a portable wireless modem. It is prepaid. So I have to go buy credit for it, put the sim card in my phone, activate the credit, and then put the sim card back in the modem and use that. It is easy to drop $50+ just by browsing a facebook photo album...
So I do a special service that is $7.50 unlimited for 48 hours. Unfortunately, the service is terrible, its like 500 bytes/s, lol. I cant even connect to AIM half the time!
That post probably cost you $5
But seriously, that's F'ed up. Why there isn't many ISPs over there? They have the money. Maybe you can call up some of your IT friends and start a ISP business over there?
So, what's new over there? partying a lot? You should post some pictures of arabic girls .... or just their eyes I guess
For being a muslim country, I am surprised they have alcohols and clubs etc.